Fiscal Buffers in the Post-Pandemic Era

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About this webinar

The economic fallout from the prolonged pandemic has required extensive policy responses, leaving a large dent in the policy space. A key challenge to fiscal authorities in a post-pandemic environment is how to adjust fiscal policy to maintain a good balance between rebuilding fiscal buffers and maintaining necessary policy support.

To discuss these and other relevant questions, we have invited Seung Hyun (Luke) Hong to present their recent research: Rebuilding Fiscal Buffers in the Post-Pandemic Era: Fiscal Normalization, Consolidation, and Structural Reform. After the paper presentation, Óscar Valencia, Lead Specialist, Fiscal and Municipal Management Division, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), will discuss the main findings in the paper and present the Latin American perspective on this regard.



Seung Hyun (Luke) Hong

Lead Economist
ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office – AMRO



Byunghoon Nam

Senior Economist
ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office – AMRO


Oscar Valencia


Óscar Valencia

Lead Specialist in the Fiscal and Municipal Management Division
Inter-American Development Bank – IADB



Iader Giraldo

Lead Economic Researcher
Latin American Reserve Fund – FLAR