Monetary policy in Latin America in a context of heterogeneous recovery and rising global inflation

About this webinar

This webinar aims to share experiences, visions and challenges of monetary policy in Latin America in a context of heterogeneous economic recovery and rising global inflation. In particular, the speakers will discuss the effects of the monetary policy measures in the course of the pandemic, its dismantling and the main internal and external risks that the region presents in a context of increasing inflation.

Opening Remarks


Latin American Reserve Fund – FLAR

José Darío Uribe

Executive President


CAF – Development Bank of Latin America

Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President



Central Reserve Bank of Perú

Adrián Armas

Central Manager of Economic Studies


Central Bank of Mexico

Gabriel Cuadra

Director of Economic Studies


Central Bank of Chile

Markus Kirchner

Macroeconomic Analysis Manager


Central Bank of Colombia

Hernando Vargas

Deputy Technical Governor


CAF – Development Bank of Latin America

Adriana Arreaza

Director of Macroeconomic Studies

Latin American Reserve Fund – FLAR

Carlos Giraldo

Chief Economist